First, unzip 1 archive: Settings Library. The macOS default location is here: Macintosh HD/ Users/ Username/ Library/ Application Support/ Spectrasonics/. I've seen multiple users lately that have had this problem, but not getting a good answer.

In the path to the STEAM folder there should not be Cyrillic (Russian folder names) All applications run as administrator! First Step 3. Initially the samples are stored in a sub folder named according to the creation date. Step 2: Click on Steam option at the menu at the top of the client’s window and choose Settings. On the Run window, type in %ProgramFIles(x86)% and hit Enter. Now when you close and re-launch your host application Spectrasonics (In Mac folder) Place “Spectrasonics” to “Applications” 8. Cannot load Multi data because it is corrupted (either from song or from multi file ''). My omnisphere plugin couldn't load soundsource (. Locate the folder where your problematic game is located. First of all download Omnisphere 2 Crack from here. Where to place the Patches: Now locate your 'Spectrasonics' folder and go to 'STEAM', 'Omnisphere', 'Settings Library'. Move the Spectrasonics folder to "ProgramData" folder.